Since this is New Year's Day, it seems a good time to start a blog. This will be a place for me to write about the adventures I have while on the road, traveling by plane, car, motorcycle and horse. I have a chronic case of wanderlust and my backpack sits near the door!

Monday, January 30, 2006

first entry since start up, I'm so embarassed

oh my gosh, I thought for sure that I would be doing this every day but hey, I'm like the other 500,000 bloggers who create a blog every day, and only make one entry. ;(

well, this is the start of actually logging on and blogging on.

I had hoped that I would be able to get on the internet at the house but alas, not to be. So ihave been journaling at the house on my ibook and hoping to transcribe all my great thoughts when I ocme down. again, it hasn't happened.

First, we are having a great winter here on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. We have spent the month getting things up and running again and finishing off last year's projects. That is the way it goes in the developing world... one has to constantly keep working on projects, old anmd new, just to stay ahead of the decaying infrastructure. The reasons are many and some of them are 1. the materials used originally in the villa were of poor quality. That was all that was available at the time of construction in 1985. 2. The materials that might have replaced the first things ( light switches for example,) were skimped upon, in an effort to save money 3. The weather destroys even the best of materials. We are talking humidity that is pretty high, likely over 75% most of the time. that is with the trade winds blowing!!!. What the moisture doesn't get, the sun and light will. All of our beautiful vegtable dyed rugs are so very faded and the upholstery that was so vibrant only 3 short years ago, is pale and listless. We swear by duct tape (doo tappy), silicone, more silicone, and muriatic acid ... the necessities of life down here. over and out for now.


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